torsdag 8 september 2011

08-Sep-2011 17:09

'Half of UK obese by 2030' :: Conclusion
This study evaluated current statistics on the obesity ‘pandemic’ and predicted rises in healthcare expenditure in the future if things continue to follow their current trend. As the authors highlight, effective policies to promote healthier weight would have clear economic benefits.
The modelling study presents valuable predictions of future trends in excess weight and obesity, which will be useful for governmental and public health planning. However, as the authors themselves highlight, these projections are merely extrapolations of currently available data. Uncertainties always exist when making predictions, as past trends do not always predict future trends. For example, it is not possible to be certain how the current trend will be affected by changes to the economy, de...

Flu pandemic could cost UK nearly £50bn :: The knock-on effects of a flu pandemic could be worse for the economy than originally thought, according to a new study. (Source: HSJ)

Cyclists get on their bikes and now contribute £3bn to UK economy :: Cycling generates nearly £3 billion a year for the UK economy, a new report has claimed. (Source: News - Health)

Cycling gives £3bn economy boost :: Cycling generates nearly £3bn a year for the UK economy, according to a new report released by the London School of Economics. (Source: BBC News | Health | UK Edition)<div id="medworm"><p><b><i>MedWorm Message:</i></b> Get the very latest Swine Flu news via the MedWorm <b><a href="" target ="_self">Swine Flu RSS news feed</a></b> - updated hourly from thousands of authoritative health and news sources.</p></div>

E. coli In The Countryside: Whose Problem Is It Anyway? :: Reducing the risks of catching E. coli O157 in the countryside is everyone's problem. That means we should all take responsibility - individual residents and visitors, as well as farmers and government - according to researchers working on the Research Councils UK Rural Economy and Land Use Programme (RELU). E. coli O157 is the most common of the harmful strains of the bacteria and this interdisciplinary research has investigated not just its characteristics, but also how people understand E. coli O157 and how their behaviour affects the threats that it poses. E... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)<div id="medworm"><p><b><i>MedWorm Message:</i></b> Get the very latest Swine Flu news via the MedWorm <b><a href="" target ="_self">Swine Flu RSS news feed</a></b> - updated hourly from thousands of authoritative health and news sources.</p></div>

Salk Scientists Discover A Highly Conserved Mechanism Governing Brain Development :: If you think today's political rhetoric is overheated, imagine what goes on inside a vertebrate embryo. There, two armies whose agendas are poles apart, engage in a battle with consequences much more dire than whether the economy will recover---- they are battling for whether you (or frogs or chickens) will have a forebrain. In a study published in the August 19 online edition of Genes & Development, Salk Institute investigators led by Greg Lemke, Ph.D... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)

Chronic pain: the search for a killer :: Millions of desperate people live with chronic pain, but medicine has had little luck finding cures. Could a new range of analgesics offer&nbsp;them hope at last?Every day of her life, Jayne Nelson has suffered severe pain in her feet and legs. "It's as if I have plunged them into scalding water," she says. In an attempt to counter the constant discomfort, the 32-year-old marketing executive takes powerful painkillers but admits these are only partially successful."The drugs help me to live as normal a life as possible but I still suffer severe pain several times a day," she says. "I have to keep electric fans on in my office and over my bed, and have the air-conditioning on in my car virtually all the time in order to try to control the burning that I feel in my feet and legs."Jayne suffe...

Neurology at the airport :: Conclusion
In our series of neurological problems among air travellers, drug-induced seizures and ischaemic strokes due to large-artery atherosclerosis were the commonest observed diagnoses. (Source: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry)

Sleep Is Money; US Loses $63 Billion A Year To Insomnia Woes :: Sleep is good, but it is also money. A lack of it has been shown to severely impact the nation's economy in the tune of costing the average American worker 11.3 days, or $2,280 in lost productivity each year. That adds up to $63.2 billion (and 252.7 workdays) for the whole country, and that is a lot of opportunity lost. Ronald C. Kessler, head author of the study said: "It's an underappreciated problem. Americans are not missing work because of insomnia. They are still going to their jobs but accomplishing less because they're tired... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)

Biologists To Meet with Members of Congress :: The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is pleased to announce the launch of the 3rd Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event. This nationwide initiative intends to spur individual biologists and research centers to meet with their members of Congress during the August congressional district work period. The event helps participants to demonstrate the importance of their research to the individuals responsible for casting the votes that shape the nation&#8217;s science policy.

&#8220;Scientists engage in policy because many issues facing human populations, including global climate change, food production, and preservation of biodiversity, are inherently based in science,&#8221; said Dr. Steve Weller, President of the Botanical Society of America, a 2011 ...

No, licensing journalists isn’t the answer :: url: to stream new local TV service :: url:

It's in the clouds :: The all-cloud enterprise could be the next step

Silicon roundabout :: Can London buiild a Silicon Valley machine to match California?

Obama jobs package may top $400B :: url:

The Economy: Growth Jumps, Surprising Gloomsters :: The Australian economy isn&#039;t dying in a ditch or sliding towards a recession; yesterday&#039;s national accounts for the June quarter make that clear.

HSBC to Lay off 3,000 HK Employees :: Even giant corporations are affected by the continuing global economic slack. In Hong Kong, one of Asia’s iconic banks, HSBC will furlough 3,000 employees over the next three years, reports have confirmed.

U.S. Slides Down to 5th Place in Global Competitiveness Survey :: Switzerland retained for the third consecutive year its top ranking in the World Economic Forum (WEF) yearly global competitiveness survey.

Rio Tinto: PM Gillard Needs to Review Carbon Pricing First :: Forcing carbon pricing to an economic environment still reeling from the residues of the global financial crisis will only hamper recovery efforts, according to Rio Tinto managing director David Peever.

China Renews Google License Amidst Censorship Tension :: Google has confirmed that China has renewed its ICP license to operate for another year in spite the tension between the two for more than a year.

Takeover Panel Affirms Foster’s Financial Results :: There is no solid ground to launch a deeper look on Foster’s Group’s financial report, according to a decision handed down on Thursday by the Takeover Panel, which rebuffed a plea by global beverage firm SABMiller to probe the Australian brewer’s financial standing.

HSBC to cut 3,000 Hong Kong jobs :: HSBC says it will cut 3,000 jobs at its Asian headquarters in Hong Kong over the next three years as part of a global cost-cutting plan.

Instant View: German Court Rejects Suits Against Euro Bailout :: Germany&#039;s Constitutional Court rejected on Wednesday a series of lawsuits aimed at blocking German participation in bailout packages for Greece and other euro zone countries, but said parliament must have a bigger say in future rescues.

Scientists Urge Governments to Ban Deep Sea Fishing :: Commercial deep sea fishing should be banned, urged an international team of marine scientists.

Beijing Vows Stiff Penalties for Bohai Bay Oil Spills :: Amidst the public apology issued on Wednesday by U.S. energy giant ConocoPhillips, over oil spills in Bohai Bay, Beijing has ordered a thorough investigation of the affected area to know the exact damage to the environment, reports said.

Australia's Unemployment Rate Jumps to 5.3% in August :: The unemployment rate in Australia went up to 5.3 per cent in August, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported on Thursday. The number of employed people declined 9,700 to 11.433 million in August.

BigDoor buys OneTrueFan as gamification consolidation begins :: url:

Fired Yahoo CEO Bartz May Get $10 Million Payout :: Carol Bartz, who was fired as Yahoo! Inc.’s chief executive officer, is rumored to receive a payout in the range of $10 million after less than three years on the job.

Fitch Warns of Credit Downgrades for China and Japan :: Fitch Ratings warned on Thursday that it might downgrade the credit rating of China within two years and there was a greater than even chance of a downgrade of Japan&#039;s credit status.

Mitt Romney Says He Wouldn't Keep Bernanke :: Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said on Wednesday that if he were elected president, he would not keep Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve.

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