tisdag 20 september 2011

20-Sep-2011 23:48 Italy

Italy plans reforms to rebuild growth :: Proposals made in response to market pressure include incentives for private sector investment in infrastructure and broadband internet
url: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/af8d7a54-e3a6-11e0-bd3d-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=rss

Berlusconi blasts Italy downgrade :: url: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/v2PE2vZL0uM/index.html

S&P Downgrades Italy's Credit Rating; Raises Stakes for Eurozone Rescue :: Standard & Poor's cut Italy's credit rating on Tuesday in a surprise move that increased strains on the debt-stressed euro zone and raised pressure on policymakers to take more decisive action to resolve the crisis.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/216777/20110920/italy-downgrade-standard-poor-s.htm

Italy has debt rating cut by S&P :: Italy's credit rating is cut by Standard and Poor's, but Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says the move is based on "political considerations".
url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/business-14981718

S&P Italy Downgrade a New Blow for Distressed Europe :: Standard & Poor's cut its unsolicited ratings on Italy by one notch on Tuesday, a surprise move that sharply increases strains on the debt-stressed euro zone and piles pressure on policymakers to take more decisive action to resolve the crisis.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/216676/20110920/sitaly-downgrade-new-blow-for-distressed-europe.htm

S&P Cuts Italy One Notch, Outlook Negative :: Standard and Poor's cut its unsolicited ratings on Italy by one notch, warning of a deteriorating growth outlook and damaging political uncertainty, in a move that took markets by surprise and added to pressure on the debt-stressed euro zone.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/216553/20110920/scuts-italy-one-notch-outlook-negative.htm

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