söndag 9 oktober 2011

10-Oct-2011 03:27 Wall

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Plot an Expansion in New York :: What started as a protest to occupy Wall Street seems to have turned into a protest that wants to occupy more New York locations.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/227641/20111008/occupy-wall-street-movement-protestors-greed.htm

Occupy Wall Street: Does U.S. History Offer Any Clues Regarding Its Possible Impact? :: Anyone who says they can predict the impact of Occupy Wall Street on the political climate and public policy is being disingenuous. But one thing is known: modern U.S. history shows, if Occupy Wall Street is to succeed it, the movement most likely will have to merge its interests with the Democratic Party.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/227603/20111008/occupy-wall-street-wall-street-protest-demonstation-protesters-financial-crisis-banks-democratics-20.htm

How Big Can the 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement Grow? :: As the "Occupy Wall Street" protest becomes a movement, joined in the past two weeks by union workers and environmentalists and acknowledged publicly in legitimacy by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, we have to ask the question: How big can the Occupy Wall Street movement grow?.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/227577/20111008/how-big-can-occupy-wall-street-movement-grow-demands.htm

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Attacked Police, NYPD Commissioner Says :: As the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to spread across the country, the protestors in the place where it all started, New York City, are being blamed for the recent clashes with police, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/227327/20111007/occupy-wall-street-protestors-police-clashes-demonstrations-capitalism-free-markets-financial-crisis.htm

Occupy Wall Street Campaign - 07 Oct 2011 (Slideshow) :: These are a selection of images from the past few days which capture the ongoing Occupy Wall Street campaign as it begins to spread across the country.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/227188/20111007/occupy-wall-sreet-antiwall-street-protests-anti-wall-street-demonstrations-occupy-wall-street-pictur.htm

US workers protest against lay-offs :: US workers add their weight to the Wall Street protests
url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/business-15208240

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