fredag 11 november 2011

11-Nov-2011 23:57 How

VIDEO: The US economy: A lost decade? :: Watch: How the US went from boom to bust

VIDEO: How can countries go bust? :: How can countries or governments go bust?

Q&A: How Greek crisis affects UK :: While the Greek debt crisis occupies world leaders at the G20 summit of the biggest economic powers, should we fear the potential fallout here?

Untangling the web: Ownership :: How games and social networks that encourage sharing are blurring old ideas of personal property â€" and even identityTo have and, if possible, to hold is to be and to do, said Jean-Paul Sartre in his essay Being and Nothingness. "The totality of my possessions reflects the totality of my being," he wrote in 1949. "I am what I have… what is mine is myself." Researchers have spent hundreds of years trying to define when and how this integrated idea of possession as something that makes us who we are developed, what it means, its function and whether it's exclusively human. The short answers to these questions are typically evasive which is probably why the introduction of a new technology that puts this debate to the fore has left us floundering in a social, philosophical and moral morass...

How Nurses Can Increase Their Earning Potential :: October 14, 2011 - The tenuous state of the U.S. economy has caused many nurses to take a hard look at their personal financial stability and find ways to maximize their earning power. One solution is personal professional development--acquiring advanced skill sets, meeting qualifications for specialty certifications and earning advanced degrees. Nurses can also use skills they already possess as the foundation for building a business that is an extension of their nursing experience. (Source: Featured Stories)

Public lecture to explore intersection of economics, human behavior, and brain science :: (Society for Neuroscience) Explore how human behavior, and its biological bases, drives the economy at Neuroscience 2011, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. What role does human decision-making play in driving modern markets, currencies, and stocks? How does our understanding of the biological mechanisms of reward anticipation, risk-taking, and emotion play out in our financial decisions? (Source: EurekAlert! - Social and Behavioral Science)

Q+A: How Chinese traders use commodities for cash :: After a series of tightening measures by China's central bank choked off bank loans to small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs), many resorted to importing copper and other commodities as a way to get cheap loans.

How the Internet is revolutionizing reuse :: url:

VIDEO: How might eurozone debt hurt UK? :: The Chancellor George Osborne has said that the financial turmoil in the eurozone poses a danger to the UK economy, but is Britain ready to weather the storm?

Italian Senate Passes Austerity Bill, Ahead of Weekend Vote in Lower House :: The vote tally was 156 to 12 in favor of the austerity. However, opposition lawmakers largely abstained from voting.

Fighting off Sars to make a business of Sichuan cuisine :: How to build a successful chain of restaurants in China

How to manage the skies above :: Congested skies cost the earth. Can technology fix it?

Competition drives up energy cost :: How global events have pushed up energy bills

Firms taking on the brandjackers :: How lovable Ben highlights brandjacking worries

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