fredag 25 maj 2012

25-May-2012 22:18 EU

EU Leaders Warn Greece: Stick To Austerity Or Leave Euro :: Speaking at a summit in Brussels, the heads of Germany and several EU institutions all urged the debt-stricken country to stick to the deeply unpopular tax hikes, labor reforms and welfare cuts that have divided Greece and pushed it to the brink of exiting the currency union.

VIDEO: EU 'wants Greece in the eurozone' :: EU leaders want Greece to remain in the eurozone but to "respect its commitments", European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has said.

EU-Argentina trade friction increases :: url:

EU Sues Argentina For 'Protectionism' As Trade Row Deepens :: The European Union has filed a suit with the World Trade Organization against Argentina's import restrictions, raising the dispute between the EU and the South American nation only weeks after Buenos Aires nationalized Spanish oil firm Repsol's subsidiary in the country.

EU challenge to Argentina at WTO :: The EU files a suit against Argentina's import restrictions at the WTO in the latest stage of a trade row between the two.

India Warns of Potential Ban on EU Airlines over Carbon Tax Dispute :: European airlines may risk an embargo from India's airspace, should Brussels impose sanctions on Indian carriers over carbon emissions. Brussels is facing the heat from several nations, including China, Russia, over an EU carbon emissions trading scheme that called for charging airlines over pollution.

India warns EU over airline carbon tax :: url:

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