tisdag 5 juni 2012

06-Jun-2012 06:46 To

Indonesia To Impose Duties On Coal Exports, Face Up to $11B In Export Earnings Losses :: Indonesia, the world's top thermal coal exporter, is looking into implementing duties on its exports of the raw commodity to save more for domestic use, a risk which could mean losing some $11 billion for its national coffers.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348998/20120605/indonesia-coal-exports.htm

ECB To Keep Pressure On Governments, Could Signal Rate Cut :: The European Central Bank is expected to hold back from policy moves when it meets on Wednesday, instead urging governments to address the euro zone's crisis, but it could indicate a readiness to cut interest rates as early as next month given a weakening economy and Spain's banking troubles.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348979/20120605/ecb-to-keep-pressure-on-governments-could-signal-rate-cut.htm

5 ways your ISP's failure to move to IPv6 could affect you :: url: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OmMalik/~3/Ton0pwDhejI/

Not Just In America: Australians Against Fracking, Too :: Citing lax laws and concerns about their water supply, farmers in Australia are pressuring lawmakers to impose a moratorium on the controversial drilling technique known as fracking.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348894/20120605/hydraulic-fracturing-natural-gas-australia-farming-law.htm

Europeans Flock To Buy New York Real Estate :: With Europe in turmoil, the affluent French, British and their continental neighbors are flying to buy one of the world's most stable investments: Manhattan real estate.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348881/20120605/europeans-buy-new-york-real-estate.htm

Euro Zone To Fall Into Recession In 2Q, But Will ECB Ride To Rescue? :: The euro zone avoided recession with zero growth in the first quarter, but it seems to have run out of luck. Recent data out of the single currency bloc has led economists to conclude with confidence that a recession is looming and the European Central Bank may not act Wednesday.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348831/20120605/euro-zone-pmi-ecb-meeting-spanish-yield.htm

Air India Gets Cash Boost Of $215 Million To Pay Salaries, Dues :: In an effort to revive the debt-ridden Air India, the government pumped in Rs. 1,200 crore ($215 million) as equity on Monday, to be put to use in paying employee salaries and vendor dues.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348739/20120605/air-india-strike-aviation-pilots-guild.htm

Top 10 Most Competitive Countries in the World in 2012 in terms of Economic Prosperity [SLIDESHOW] :: Hong Kong has replaced the United States for being the most competitive economy in the world in 2012 for two years in a row, while three European countries have been ranked in the top ten slots.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348731/20120605/top-10-competitive-countries-world-2012-terms.htm

G7 to Hold Emergency Talks on Eurozone crisis, Spain Tops Agenda :: Spain's fate in the euro area would top the agenda of discussions at the G7 emergency conference call.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348679/20120605/g7-emergency-conference-call-spain-banking-crisis.htm

Tony Abbott: Labor's Economic Policies Will Lead to its Doom :: Australia can't seem to wait for a change in federal government, according to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, as he declared on Tuesday that the nation has come to realise that Labor policies currently in-place have been wrecking the domestic economy.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348611/20120604/tony-abbott-labor-s-economic-policies-will.htm

Brazil To Fine Chevron For November Oil Spill By July :: Brazil's oil regulator announced Monday it could affix a fine Chevron Corp., would have to pay for a November oil spill off the coast of Rio de Janeiro by this summer.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348558/20120604/chevron-oil-spill-brazil-fine-lawsuit.htm

G7 To Hold Emergency Talks Tuesday; Spain Top Concern :: Finance chiefs of the Group of Seven leading industrialized powers will hold emergency talks on the euro zone debt crisis on Tuesday in a sign of heightened global alarm about strains in the 17-nation European currency area.
url: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/348512/20120604/g7-to-hold-emergency-euro-zone-talks-spain-top-concern.htm

Do black tech entrepreneurs face institutional bias? :: url: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/Uy3QTPolITo/index.html

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